Hey Guys :)

I need to remind everyone again NOT to ever give out your pass to anyone!!

Good Chobots are getting hacked because they got fooled into giving their pass out!!

No moderator is ever going to ask you for your pass for anything, it is not needed to become an agent!!
Agents will also never need your pass and if anyone ever asks you for it then report them immediately and if you can take a picture!!
No one is going to make you a citizen either, all they want is your account!
Also these chat things that many of you have are not safe, we cannot control anything that is outside of Chobots, so many skypes are made in the name of fake Mods and Agents, do not get fooled by these!!

The best thing for your safety is not to give out ANY info about yourself at all and don't make your chobot pass too easy to guess!!

Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Nice

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