Umm hey guys!
Yesterday,i was very excited because 7 Wizards would be ready to be played...I thought it will be a virtual world,just like Chobots.but it wasn't o.0. For the start,i got some help from the Guru but then,i stucked.I have not so much health and its very hard to get,so it's bothering. Im 12 and a half and the only thing i can do on 7 Wizards is wait until get some health,battle,ill loose and then wait again :/
I will be very pleased is someone teach me.Or ill have to delete my account.
Here is me.My name is rose.

I will add everyone and i beg you,if someone has time and want,to teach me and do me a little tutorial with it...I won't bother you..its all up to you!:)
~Tania1998 x]

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